Americans in Portugal
The Americans in Portugal club promotes social and cultural events, lectures, local commemorations as well as celebrations of historic American dates. Dinners are scheduled to motivate social interaction between all members, bringing everyone together and promoting common objectives. Though much of our experise regards citizens of the USA, we feel that anyone from the Americas is an American and are welcome. All who have a connection and an affinity to Americans are also welcome. Anyone curious about us are welcome, too.
Our club is based on the spirit of a community which embraces all Americans that come to live and work in Portugal and the many friends of any nationality which share American values and our way of life. Community spirit, collaboration, embracing all faiths and races, transparency and democracy, these fundamental ethics are the objectives of the club.
Many of our members are Portuguese and this is very positive as so many Americans have Portuguese roots, resident Portuguese have families in America and Portugal has been a long-time friend of the USA.
In line with tradition, we continue to maintain and offer a general orientation to new members coming to live in Portugal. This is made possible by our diverse list of contacts, created over the years, which will indicate services rendered by third parties across a wide spectrum of activities.
The club through its website and email list will keep all members advised of important happenings and important dates. Please contact us with a request to be on the email list if you are not already on it. We welcome your ideas, suggestions and posts. Together we hope to build an even stronger community, dedicated to honoring the progressive and humanistic values we all believe in.
We look forward to your membership and participation.